Birth control techniques have always been used by women over the years to prevent pregnancy. There are many contraceptive options out there; women can either rely on daily pills or the use of condoms, diaphragms, or a vaginal ring, or they can use hormonal patches, cervical caps, or spermicides. Another popular choice among women for its semi-permanent solution is using an Intrauterine Device (IUD) for their efficiency in preventing pregnancy. However, a new phenomenon has been making quite an uproar among women when they opted to use the Mirena IUD. While any IUD can help with contraception, it can cause a myriad of side effects when removed. This has lead to what is now known as the “Mirena Crash.”
1. What is a Mirena IUD?
The Mirena IUD is a semi-permanent birth control method developed by Bayer. It’s a T-shaped device inserted in the uterus and, according to Bayer, it has a 99% chance of preventing pregnancy. It was also approved by the FDA to treat heavy periods.
2. How does it work?
The Mirena IUD contains Levonorgestral, a type of hormone which prevents pregnancy from happening by changing the uterine line to make it difficult for egg implantation and thickening the mucous membranes in the cervix which slows down sperm movement. Once implanted, it can be effective for up to 5 years.
3. What are the complications of Mirena IUD?
Many women have experienced complications and side effects from using this IUD, but they’ve all experienced it differently. The common side effects include pain spasms in the back and pelvis, possible weight gain, migraines, nausea, and vomiting. However, much more severe side effects can occur like ectopic pregnancies, uterus perforation, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, and bleeding. When these severe symptoms occur, many women decide on removing the IUD.
4. Can I remove my own IUD?
It’s vital that no woman removes her IUD herself or else a whole lot of complications can arise. Only an OBGYN doctor can implant it and remove it. It can only be removed by your doctor if you feel you’re ready to have a baby, or they can renew it once every 5 years for maximum efficiency. Recently, many women have suffered from drastic side effects, either by removing it themselves or asking their doctor too, and have opted to remove it.
5. What is the “Mirena Crash?”
Little did women know is that this IUD can also cause complications after removal. The ‘Mirena Crash’ is the name given to the symptoms that occur to women post-removal. Because the IUD secretes a hormone that mimics natural progesterone, the body becomes very reliant on it; as a result, the body doesn’t produce it on its own anymore. Because of this, many women have suffered from the Mirena crash after removing it and once removed, it takes time for the body to return back to normal and produce progesterone naturally. The ‘crash’ includes symptoms like depression, mood-swings, flu-like symptoms, anxiety, painful intercourse or lack of sex-drive, bleeding, and gastrointestinal discomfort like nausea, bloating, vomiting, and abdominal pain. These symptoms can last from a few weeks to a few months.
6. What to expect during removal
IUD removal only takes a few minutes; the doctor will pull on the strings with forceps, the arms of the IUD will fold, and it will simply slide out. If the doctor is unable to locate the strings, he/she needs to rule out pregnancy first and then use a sonogram or X-ray to relocate it. It is then removed with a much narrower pair of forceps. If your device has caused you an infection, the doctor will need to treat the infection first and then remove the device once it’s cleared. There are times when doctors needed to surgically remove an IUD if the Mirena device has perforated the uterus or changed its position.
7. The denial of the crash symptoms
Many physicians and doctors have denied the association of the IUD with the crash, only getting their information from the manufacturer and not medical knowledge. They will blame early menopause or a number of other issues, but not associate it with the IUD. The manufacturing company Bayer also claims that this IUD is safe and is no way responsible for the occurrence of these symptoms.
8. The Mirena Crash lawsuits
Because of the denial, many women have opted to file lawsuits against Bayer. These lawsuits claim that the device is faulty and is the sole reason for the crash. They also argue that they were not warned of any post-removal symptoms before using the device, nor were they aware of the complications a Mirena IUD can cause. In 2018, around 600+ lawsuits were filed claiming that Bayer should compensate them for keeping vital information in the dark. So far, Bayer has only agreed to settle around $12 million dollars for uterus perforation cases only.
9. Recovering from a Mirena Crash
You need to be able to correct the hormone imbalance that has happened to your body in a healthier way so as not to cause more changes to your body. You shouldn’t introduce more hormones to your body, synthetically as it doesn’t help the problem but makes it worse. The ideal way to overcome a Mirena crash is by following a nutritional plan that will encourage natural hormone production in your body. Restore your natural hormone cycle with fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C, D, and B as well as increasing natural progesterone by eating omega-3 fatty acid-filled food.
10. Should I not get a Mirena IUD?
We won’t be able to answer this question for you as it’s your body and it’s your decision. What we will recommend is doing your research about this device, reading everything you can about it, and have a conversation with your doctor. It’s absolutely vital to have your doctor discuss all the risks and complications that can happen when using an IUD to manage your expectations well. If you’re unsatisfied with the information you’re getting, then get a second medical opinion. The Mirena crash is not life-threatening, and many women still use it to this day because more and more women have become educated on its risks.
Stay Safe and Be Smart
Nowadays, it’s not hard getting the information you need. Preventing one thing from happening, like pregnancy, should not cause a myriad of other issues. Become familiar with what birth control method you use and get a full outline on what to expect in terms of risks, complications, and side effects. Stay safe, and protect your body. Consult with a trusted doctor for more information about all types of birth control and contraceptives.