As more people continue to get vaccinated and COVID restrictions begin to lift in a number of industries, many people are switching back to working in the office. Transitioning back to working in person after the ups and downs of the “work from home” life can be an exciting time. You might be looking forward to the much-needed social interaction with your colleagues or even having a more defined line between work and your personal life. But, there also might be that part of you that does not know what that switch back to the office will look like for you, and that’s okay! We have some must-have tips for your successful transition back.
1. Get your day started right
It is easy to feel overwhelmed and not sure where to start when making a change in your life. Setting up a routine is an important way to start your day feeling accomplished and gaining a sense of awareness of what comes next. A couple of key elements to brighten up your routine are first, making sure you leave early enough. Nothing starts your day off worse than rushing from point A to point B. Next, get a coffee machine with a timer. Waking up to a fresh cup of coffee already made will surely be a highlight to your morning.
2. Use your commute time wisely
It is no secret that many adults switching back to working at the office feel that the commute there is a waste of time. But your drive to and from work can easily be turned into one of your favorite parts of the day! On average, Americans spend 200 hours a year commuting to and from work. That is nine days total a year that can be devoted to some much needed “me-time”. Need some ideas that aren’t just listening to the radio? Learn a new language, try out a new podcast, get lost in an audio book, or use the time to stay organized by making lists with a voice activated productivity app!
3. Protect your eye health
As we got more comfortable with the idea of working from home, the use of electronics and screen time naturally increased. Because of this, the importance of staying on top of your eye health has also become more evident. Excessive screen time has been linked to a fluctuation of eyestrain, irritability, poor sleep quality, and overall fatigue. It is crucial to make sure you are keeping up with your eye exam appointments and take steps to establish healthy habits for your eye health. Whether you currently wear glasses or not, adding blue-light-filtering lenses to your nine-five routine is a key first step to protecting your eyes. Lenses with this feature can be added to any prescription, used in conjunction with contacts, or worn by people without prescriptions. Practice healthy habits by wearing them even when you go home for the night. Planning to finally binge that new series that was just released, or perhaps you unwind by doing a bit of online shopping. Glasses like these are meant for heavy-screen days — so use them to your advantage!
4. Stay active during your work day
Staying active during the work day is crucial for a healthy mind and body throughout the day. This doesn’t have to always look like an hour-long trip to the gym on your lunch break, but rather, simple, small lifestyle choices that you make each and every day to improve your well-being. A great way to get more active is to track your activity and try to increase it! Getting a pedometer or setting up your cell phone/smartwatch to track your steps will help you see how active you truly are throughout the day and allow you to set goals with practical intention. Set up time in your schedule throughout the day to get up from your desk chair and take three–five minutes to practice these discrete office exercises you can do from your desk! You can even get an office buddy to set goals with and walk with on your breaks!
Although you have endured so much difficult change since COVID-19 has made its appearance, the transition back to work does not have to be. Let these tips get you started on your transition back into the office. Regardless if it’s part time or full time, these tips can serve to support your endeavors as you work to get back into the routine of things and remain productive during this time.