Lockdown has certainly been challenging for many individuals, and while restrictions are starting to ease, it’s uncertain whether or not another wave of the virus will hit. It’s best to start thinking ahead so that you can be prepared if you need to isolate yourself again. Here are 8 different items and suggestions that can help you get through the lockdown and help keep you sane!
Puzzles and coloring in books
While you might be tempted to stay in bed watching television all day, it’s not the best way to spend your lockdown. You might begin to feel stressed, anxious, and ill from staring at the screen all day. An alternative way to keep yourself entertained is to purchase some puzzle or coloring in books. Not only will you feel better for doing something productive, but participating in some arts and crafts is great for anxiety and other mental health disorders.
Weighted blanket
With all the hard news that is circulating our social media at the moment, you might find that you are having trouble sleeping at night. Certainly, a lifechanging product that many people swear by are weighted blankets. The heavy beads promote a calming effect and can help children with sensory issues, individuals with restless leg syndrome, and those that toss and turn during the night. With women especially prone to mental health issues due to COVID-19, a simple product like this can also help ease both anxiety and depression symptoms. It’s certainly something you might want to try out.
Hand sanitizer
Definitely a necessity during these uncertain times, try and stock up on plenty of hand sanitizer to get you through the next few weeks. This way, you can always ensure that you are 100% germ-free when you get back from getting your groceries or exercising out in public. Hygiene practices are more important than ever, so you want to do everything possible to keep yourself and your family safe. Check out the link for scented hand sanitizers that will make your hands clean and your nose happy.
Yoga mat and props
Since many of the gyms are now closed, some individuals find it more challenging to get back into the groove of exercising. While you are still able to go outside, it can get a little tedious when you are limited to certain activities. A yoga mat and props such as weights and rolling balls are a great way to keep your at-home workouts interesting. It’s extremely important to keep yourself fit and healthy, even with a pandemic going on!
Smartphone or webcam
If you live alone, or away from friends and family, a smartphone or webcam is undoubtedly an essential during these times. This way, you can still connect with all of your favorite people so that you can talk, see each other and even host a virtual games night. Have a grandparent that doesn’t have one of these devices? Why not lend a helping hand and set one up for them? It really can make a big difference in their day.
Indoor plants
Not everyone is allowed to have pets in their homes, which mean that lockdown can be quite lonely. However, indoor plants are the next best thing and have even been said to help reduce anxiety and stress. Succulents and other indoor plants are also much easier to look after, so you don’t need to worry about having a green thumb! Trust us when we say, they can certainly be addicting.
Board games
While this item might not be necessary for those that live alone, board games can be a great way to keep you, your partner, and the kids entertained. Some of them can go on for hours, and it’s a great way to spend some time together as a family. Monopoly, Scattergories, Cluedo, Operation, and Battleships, the options are endless!
Essential oil diffuser
Lastly, to finish off with a bit of self-care, an essential oil diffuser can be a great way to keep your home smelling fresh and yourself feeling better. If you are after something relaxing, try lavender or rose. If you need an uplifting or calming feel, then peppermint and lavender are a great choice.
These are eight different items that you should consider investing in if you are going into lockdown. While these times might be scary, by sticking together and checking that our friend and family are ok, we can get through this. Just remember to stay proactive, keep exercising, and don’t forget to have some fun now and again. Sometimes, laughter can really be the best medicine.
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