With stress being at an all time high these days, coupled with various restrictions, it’s easy to put physical health on the back burner at times. But outdoor activities are an excellent way to relieve stress while also helping you stay in shape. Outdoor sports can do wonders for your physical health as well as mental health, giving you a good dose of endorphins. Here are some popular outdoor activities you should consider trying out this year as part of a new year’s resolution for staying fit:
Right off the top, here’s a sport that’s physically challenging, fun, and dynamic. According to the leading resource for advice on Kayaking, this outdoor activity is good for your health. It is an outdoor sport that helps develop strength in both arms and legs, thanks to the physical challenges it presents. This also means kayaking can serve as a great way of staying fit while having fun outdoors with family or friends.
Although kayaks are designed for one person, most kayakers end up sharing them during their expeditions on rivers, lakes, or seasides.
If you’re not very experienced yet when it comes to this particular water sport, go through a training kayaking procedure first. You can do kayak training at kayaking centers or hire an experienced kayaker to guide you on your kayaking activities for beginners.
Swimming is one of the healthiest outdoor sports to do. If you are fortunate enough to have your own pool, this is something you should take advantage of all year round. Otherwise, make note of public pools and swimming areas (perhaps your local YMCA, for example) that offer public access. Swimming also has many other benefits, such as improving your mood, strengthening your muscles and bones, and protecting your heart health. So if you are looking for an outdoor activity that can keep you healthy and happy, swimming is definitely a good choice.
One of the best aspects of swimming is that it can be done in any body of water, whether it is a swimming pool or the sea.
Swimming outdoors also means that you get more fresh air than in indoor pools. If you live near the beach, swimming will allow your body to absorb vitamin D from the sun which helps protect against several types of cancer such as skin cancer and breast cancer. Swimming regularly may help reduce inflammation by increasing blood flow throughout all parts of your body which is said to be great for women who experience menstrual pain on a regular basis.
This activity presents a ton of ways you can have fun and stay fit. In hiking, you will be able to climb hills and mountains as well as enjoy the wonderful nature all around you. There are also a lot of other benefits that hiking offers such as being a great activity for your cardiovascular system because it means going upstairs without an elevator or anything similar just pure physical effort.
It is not necessary to have expensive hiking equipment in order to go out hiking; there are many places where people can do this at no cost whatsoever.
Here’s how hiking helps your stress levels:
- Getting away from the hustle and bustle of city life
- Giving you a sense of accomplishment, which is a great stress reliever
- Hiking helps you connect with nature and that has a soothing effect
- Hiking also helps you connect with people, because it is often done in groups.
If you have a bicycle you may find it more suitable for you to get out of your daily routine and cycling is one of the perfect activities to take up. Cycling can be an excellent choice for people who like staying in shape while having fun outdoors. It has a lot of health benefits.
Cycling helps with weight loss because it burns calories at a high rate. It also brings cardiovascular benefits by getting increased heart rate which improves blood circulation and breathing both during exercise and after finishing cycling sessions.
If you are looking for a fun activity with physical, mental, and social benefits, then look no further than airsoft! Airsoft is essentially a mock combat game, where you and your fellow team members will work together in an attempt to beat the other team by shooting at them with an ONLYBBGUNS airsoft gun, using skill, stealth tactics, and teamwork. Playing airsoft can help you to burn a significant number of calories so can be a great way to help lose weight, as well as helping to increase endurance and energy levels.
With regard to mental health and stress relief, airsoft can be extremely beneficial. It is thought that players of airsoft have lower levels of stress hormones and that it helps to aid the feelings of relaxation. In addition, working as part of a team can help empower you, reducing feelings of isolation, strengthening friendship bonds, and boosting leadership skills too.
Beach Volleyball
If you’re into team sports and looking for an outdoor activity to help you relieve some stress, beach volleyball is a great option. It’s easy to learn and doesn’t require any expensive equipment, so it’s perfect for people who want to stay active without spending a lot of money.
Plus, beach volleyball is a great way to get some sun and vitamin D while you’re having fun! If you don’t know how to play, there are plenty of resources online that can teach you the basics.
Also, this is a favorite summer activity for many people because it’s so laid-back. It doesn’t require any strict rules or complicated instructions, and you can play beach volleyball with as many people as you want.
Beach volleyball is a great choice for those of us who are looking to have fun outside while staying fit this summer. With some tips from an experienced player, anyone can learn how to enjoy themselves on the beach without making too much effort.
Tennis can be played by all types of people, regardless of age and fitness level so it makes a great option for anyone looking to relieve stress while staying in good shape. The game is fun and easy to learn. It doesn’t require any specialized equipment.
Tennis helps your coordination, agility, speed, and quick thinking since you have to always be on your toes when playing. It can also help improve your overall endurance in physical fitness since tennis is a sport that requires long periods of time for players to run around the court continuously while still having enough energy left at the end of each match.
Playing regularly will allow you to gain muscle strength which improves posture among other things. You’ll feel more flexible after regular play as well due to stretching exercises which are required during tennis matches especially when hitting shots from behind or reaching for balls hit wide outside of reach.
Outdoor activities can play a big role in helping to relieve stress while also maintaining your physical health. Make a commitment to set time aside for some outdoor activities this year. Whichever one you choose, make sure to enjoy yourself.