How Businesses Can Empower Women In 2021 And Beyond

For many years, and in all sorts of industries, gender bias and discrimination have pervaded the workplace. While this has never been right, both women and men have unfortunately tolerated these for a very long time. However, this is no longer the case as women and millions of supporters all over the world are fighting for equality.

But it isn’t only up to the women to make changes. Employers must also empower them and create a space where women can thrive and grow professionally without having to worry about biases holding them back. This article is going to go over some ways that businesses can empower their women employees in 2021 and beyond.

Keep an Open Line of Communication

Communication is key in business, and it is an area where many women feel underappreciated. A woman’s input is just as important as a man’s, and their ideas or suggestions shouldn’t be glossed over and ignored. Unfortunately, this has often been the experience many women have had over the years.

A business needs to do all it can to keep an open line of communication for every employee (man and woman) to ask questions and voice concerns. Employees may need assistance in everything from how to get W2 from a previous employer to how to deal with workplace bullying, and businesses need to be willing to help.

If women feel listened to and are treated the same as their male coworkers, it can go a long way in empowering them. Ignoring their concerns will only push them away from your company, often towards one that is more inclusive and fair.

Support Employee Wellness

In addition to often making less and facing discrimination, women’s health is also adversely affected in the workplace. As a result, companies need to go above and beyond to provide wellness programs and benefits to keep people happier and healthier.

These can include on-site fitness centers, yoga classes, flexible scheduling, healthy snacks, mental health assistance, sexual and reproductive health services, and others. They also need to be aware of the unique challenges that women face when it comes to health and be willing to help with those, as well. 

The more a company can do to encourage the health and wellness of all women on staff, the better.

Connect Women With Female Mentors and Leaders

Another great way for businesses to empower women is to connect them with mentors and leaders. When women hear stories and experiences from someone who was once where they are, they can also be inspired to act on their goals and dreams. They will see the potential of their career choice when they have someone to look up to.

If your executive team and managers are all men, it doesn’t exactly empower women as their path to the top was likely different. In fact, it often does just the opposite. They will see a team full of men and think that there is no upward mobility at your organization. 

By connecting your women on staff with mentors and leaders to look up to and form relationships with, you are showing them that you care and want to support their growth and success.

Provide Equality

In many cases, simply providing equality in all facets of a business is a good way to empower women. There are still unfortunately many ways that women are not treated as equal at workplaces all across the world. For example, even in 2021, women still make quite a bit less than men do.

Companies need to eliminate these differences, get rid of gender biases, and create an environment that is fair for everyone, regardless of gender. Thankfully, there are many things that employers can do today to provide equality for all.

This includes using skill-based assessments to value talent and hire people, remove the gender pay gap, consider and hire more women in leadership roles, and have stronger policies against harassment and discrimination.

In addition to these measures, it’s vital for companies to invest in skill development and training for all employees, regardless of gender. If you are providing training and online programs for your male colleagues, it is important to ensure that your female employees have equal access to these opportunities.

This can include offering courses that cover a range of skills, such as an analytical thinking course, or courses focusing on leadership and management. By treating women with the same regard and support as their male counterparts in professional development, companies can foster an equitable workplace and demonstrate a commitment to true gender equality.

Empowering Women Every Day

Any of these tips are sure to empower women and help them feel valued and appreciated in the workplace. The last thing a workplace should want is for women to feel lesser than their male counterparts.