More and more people are becoming aware of the ability to stay fit and keep up with regular exercise routines right from your own home. Not only does it pay dividends for our physical health, but for our mental health too. The adrenaline buzz people experience from exercise increases endorphins which trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine.
The idea of home gyms has become ever increasingly popular. The Coronavirus has also assisted this momentum, as people have been unable to frequent their usual gyms and fitnesses centers. When everything a person needs is in their own home, they save travel time and subscription fees as they pursue their passion – plus they get to choose their own music, workout routines, and schedules! This article sets out some ways to create a perfect home gym.
Barbell and Weights
There are two types of weights a person can select, either standard or Olympic. A beginner may start with the standard weights as they are lighter. They are designed to go up to the maximum of a 200-pound load. Whilst it may be tempting to buy some cheap ones, they won’t be as long-lasting.
Once a person reaches an intermediate stage they will probably want Olympic weights because they are heavier and promote greater muscle growth. Resistance training promotes a great overall physical profile and makes people strong and agile.
Spin Bikes
These are some of the most popular workout items that people buy. The internet can be very informative on this subject, and this useful page says that people seeking an alternative to a treadmill will be delighted with one of these. People who are prepared to pay more can even get connected to live workouts using tablets and receive coaching from instructors. The exciting opportunity also arises where users can compete with others who are doing the same session.
There are various dumbbell weights you can choose from, depending on your level of fitness and strength. Additionally, some people with home gyms are dictated by the size of the room when it comes to the type of dumbbells to choose. For those who can afford it, racks can be purchased to optimize available space.
Safety is a key consideration in home gyms because accidents at home could occur undetected by others. Some people say fixed dumbbells are safer and more comfortable. Although there are sets people can buy, it’s not essential to buy them all. People can buy specific dumbbells and build up their collection over time.
The Benchpress
Many of these can take a two hundred pound weight and are therefore suitable for beginners. As people progress in their routine they will increase the weights used. People generally go on to needing bench presses that can take 600 pounds (including the person’s weight).
Bench presses need to be adjustable so they can reach the right height. This would be where the user can lie on it and be able to rest their feet firmly on the ground at the same time.
The Power Rack
Also known as a squat rack, is created for people to safely be able to carry their own weight without risking serious injury. There are also optional attachments one can use for the dip and pull up bars. Some boast of having pulley systems that open up a whole range of exercise possibilities. The rack may well be the most expensive addition to the gym.
They do take up a lot of space in the home gym, however. Anyone who struggles in this regard can consider getting a squat stand. There is less one can do with these and they are smaller, but they’re still useful and will be cheaper to purchase.
Sandbags and Medicine Balls
Sandbags are very mobile and have a range of uses. It’s not essential to have more than one. Medicine balls aren’t heavy enough to achieve some workouts, but they are easy to store and carry around.
Kettlebells and Resistance Bands
Kettlebells provide a host of possibilities that promote strength and stamina. Just one will be sufficient to try swings, snatches, carries, and presses. They are great when used alongside normal free weight training. Be sure to find the right weight category for you.
Resistance bands are perfect for a gentle warm-up routine before tackling the hard stuff. Anyone with an injury that disqualifies them for using the gym may also find a use for these. Resistance bands also enable people to optimize their dips and pull-ups.
The Gym Space
We have already mentioned that the space available will dictate how much and what equipment is used. If it’s really limited, it’s recommended to research push-ups, sit-ups, and squat lunges. They won’t need any equipment. It’s possible to buy pull up bars that simply attach to the gym door. Jump ropes take up no space, and yet they are great for cardio exercises.
A foam roller is economical as regards space, yet it’s great when addressing muscles that have gotten tight and need a massage.
Extra Accessories
Portable speakers or a home music system is a great addition for your home gym set up, and can add just the right type of motivation you need for those days you are feeling unmotivated.
Having mirrors in the home gym are also a great addition as they offer the opportunity for you to continue checking your form and position to optimize the benefits to your body.
Consider purchasing a yoga or pilates mat as it can provide some extra cushioning for your feet if your home floor surface is not ideal. It can also help protect your joints such as your wrist or knees when doing certain exercises. This is important to keep in mind.
Setting up your ideal home gym can be a lot of fun and help keep you in shape without ever having to leave your doorstep.