If you want to help other women achieve their dreams and break the patriarchy’s shackles, then why not become a life coach? The life coach industry is short on women. Becoming a life coach doesn’t just help you to help other people, it also allows you to achieve your dreams and more importantly, financial independence. You shouldn’t have to work for someone else your entire life, and if the restructured workplace during the pandemic has taught us anything, working a regular 9-5 can be exhausting.
Below is a guide on how you can become a life coach and take control of your destiny:
Take a Coaching Class
If you want to become a life coach, then you need to take a class. Classes are the first step in your journey toward becoming a certified life coach and helping others achieve success. If you intend on working exclusively with women, then you should try to find a class that’s led by one. This is so that you can learn the tips and tricks to help women to achieve greatness.
Attending classes led by men, for men, might not be the best option, because they rarely take into consideration things that women have to deal with, such as raising children and being unfairly discriminated against in the workplace.
Work Out Your Skills
The next thing that you need to do is to sit down and work out what your skills are. You need to know what you have to offer before you can help anybody. If you don’t think that you have any skills, then you’re wrong. Everybody has their own skills and areas of expertise. By identifying these, finding your niche will be easier. The best way to identify your skills is to sit down with a pen and paper and think about your achievements in life and the things that you enjoy doing. Write these down, and your skills will soon become apparent.
If leadership is your skill, you might want to consider taking a look at this guide by Kurt Uhlir on what is servant leadership. Being a life coach and a leader means being of service to others to help them better their lives.
Find Your Niche
Once you have ascertained what your skills are, you can go ahead and identify your niche. Your personal niche might already be known to you. If it isn’t, then it should be pretty clear once you know what your skills are. Most people’s niche is a subject in which they have experienced, for example, business. If you are a successful businesswoman – or have been – then you will be able to coach other women in business and teach them what they need to know in order to become successful in their own rights.
Get Certified
The next step is to become certified. With that said, you don’t actually need to become certified in order to practice as a life coach, although most experts agree that it’s good practice to do so, because it instills confidence in the people with whom you will be working. At the beginning of this article, we mentioned classes. Many classes will actually lead on and offer some kind of certificate at the end of the course, so if they do then you should definitely take it. Certification makes you appear more professional and also makes your clients more confident that you know what you are doing.
Build Your Online Presence
If you want to become a successful coach, then you need to build up your online presence. Online presence is everything for coaches these days because customers don’t use magazines to search – they use the internet! Word of mouth is also a very effective way of spreading information about the courses that you provide, although the downside to word of mouth is that every person’s opinion is different and not everybody will find your classes useful, which could lead to bad things being spread about you. While word of mouth definitely deserves some thought, focus mainly on how you are going to market yourself online, through your online presence, which we will come to next.
Online Marketing
Online marketing is very important. If you want to build your presence, you need to utilize influencer and social media marketing. On the subject of “influencers” – as a coach, you will benefit from becoming one in your own right. The best way to do this is to create a social media page, showcase your lifestyle and achievements, and then offer people your course. Because of COVID, many coaches are holding their courses exclusively online nowadays, so you should definitely consider offering online courses to people from all around the world with this in mind. If your courses are going to be online anyway, why not benefit from an international presence.
Becoming a coach isn’t easy, but it is possible. By becoming a life coach you will achieve your dreams and help others to achieve theirs.