By Joan Herbert
TED talks have now been around for 30 years, and although most of us weren’t aware of them for that time, they are becoming increasingly popular now. They are a way to understand new ideas, all of which are worth sharing – as per the ideals set out by the company. As a woman, there are some talks you just have to watch as they dive into some of the most crucial issues of our current day.
The following are 6 essential TED Talks given by notable women who today spend their lives working for the cause they so passionately speak about.
Sheryl Sandberg: Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders.
This talk is all about how women take themselves out of the running for leadership positions, even without realizing that they are doing it. It’s a very important watch and will help you to understand what we can all do on an individual level to bring more women leaders into power. The talk is seen as unconventional in its approach, which helps to bring the issue to light in a different way than you may be used to. It’s inspiring and may even push you to become a leader yourself.
Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are.
This talk is presented by a psychologist and a professor at the Harvard Business School. It tells us how our body language and our posture can change the way that others see us – and even the way that we see ourselves. With this talk, young women especially can learn to recreate themselves in a stronger and more positive image, simply by standing or sitting in a different way.
Leymah Gbowee: Unlock the Intelligence, Passion, Greatness of Girls.
If ever there was a time to campaign for equal rights, and to get girls around the world the respect that they deserve, it is now. Gbowee is a Nobel Prize winner who originated from Liberia, where the issue is one of great concern. She talks about how women around the world have so much untapped potential, what can happen when that potential is unlocked, and why we need to ensure that women are treated equally on a global scale. It’s also inspiring on the level of unlocking your personal potential.
Courtney Martin: Reinventing Feminism.
Courtney Martin talks about feminism, and how her generation have had to redefine the term for themselves as a new idea. She discusses three paradoxes which have define this search and helps you to understand a little better about what feminism means today.
Paula Johnson: His and hers … healthcare.
Men and women are different even on a cellular level, and pioneering doctor Paula Johnson believes that we should be treating men and women differently when it comes to medicine. All too often, men’s health is considered first – which means that the treatments available for certain conditions are not optimized for women. She explains why we need to rethink this approach and ensure that treatments are tailored for gender as well as for complaint.
Meera Vijayann: Find your voice against gender violence.
This talk is hard to listen to at first, but that’s the point which Vijayann wants to make. This citizen journalist wants us to start talking about sexual violence to break the taboo and make it less acceptable around the world. Having experienced gender violence in her home country, India, she wants to stop it from happening to anyone else – and understands that it must be a cultural change before it can be a societal one.
There are so many more TED talks out there which are given by women, for women, or about women. Make sure that you take a look through their archives in order to see some of their other great examples. There are many places to find inspiration and empowerment from, TED Talks are often a great starting place.
Joan is an Assistant Manager at, a curious individual, avid reader and a passionate creative writer.