The Best Eco-Friendly Menstrual Products Available

By Nicole McCray

Eco-friendliness and sustainable trends are finally taking a seat at the table. Interestingly enough, one of the topics that have come up with sustainability is modernizing menstrual products, so they aren’t a one-and-done or non-recyclable resource for women. Eco-friendly menstrual products can have many benefits, such as lowering costs, helping the environment, and ensuring our bodies are taken care of. 

But these products are still trying to make their way to center stage. That’s why there is no better time than now to introduce some ideas for women to take a look at. Head down to the FAQ at the bottom of the article for more info. 

What Is Considered an Eco-Friendly Menstrual Product? 

The word eco-friendly is becoming more commonly used. But what does it really mean? In the simplest of terms, it means that it is earth friendly. This normally means recycling products; menstrual products don’t usually go hand in hand with reusable or recyclable. 

That doesn’t mean that it’s not possible to make menstrual products eco-friendly at all. Here are some criteria we used to come up with a list of eco-friendly menstrual products. 

  • Any products that can be re-used instead of thrown out or recycled
  • Any products that are packaged and shipped in an environmentally-friendly way. Less and more. 
  • Materials that provide us comfort but also use materials that aren’t harmful to ourselves or the environment. 

It’s not an all-or-nothing approach. Every little bit helps, which is why making a small difference by choice in the product can make a big impact. 


Studies have shown that pads and tampons pollute our oceans and water when they pass through landfills. Choosing alternatives or limiting the amount of these products you use is just one approach! Let’s explore our products. 

Menstrual Cups

Menstrual cups came back around in the late 1980s but have only been considered a popular option in the last decade or so. These flexible little cups are typically made of silicone and inserted into the vagina to catch any bleeding and fluid during a woman’s menstrual cycle. They are among the most eco-friendly options because they are reusable and super safe for the body. 

It’s great for all women, regardless of whether you have a lighter or heavy flow. The key is to wash your cup frequently with a fragrance-free cleaner. And it ends up saving money from having to buy tampons each month! 

Most women who are fans of this method rave about the Diva Cup. This is just one company, but they have earned the trust of women looking for an alternative to traditional ways. 

Reusable Pads

You may not have expected to ever think of pads as reusable, but why not? We re-wear and wash our clothes every time we get a little bit of food on them, so why can’t we do the same with our pads? Reusable pads are typically soft and comfortable cotton that has many layers to protect yourself from bleeding through the clothes. 

When you are done using it, throw it in the wash. While they may not be permanent solutions, they typically last a few months before having to buy new ones. And just like regular pads, you can find different sizes to fit their different needs. 

Period Underwear

Period is not all that different from your period underwear. Except, this time, it is intentional and not just a pair you happened to ruin a few months ago. Period underwear is a great option for those who don’t enjoy wearing tampons or pads. Women will be surprised to know that it works for all period flows and comes in all your favorite styles of underwear. Even thongs! 

The best part? You don’t have to worry about feeling gross or worry about odors. Period underwear has great absorbency and controls any odor, so you don’t have to stress. This is a new option on the market but one that is gaining popularity fast. 

With the likes of Because Market’s protective underwear that ensures the absorbance is bulletproof, and can be used many number of times, you are also opting for an environment friendly option with less waste and sustainably conscious hygiene practices. 

Cotton Tampons

For those who like a traditional method, even the smallest change in the type of tampon you buy can make a big difference. Getting rid of plastic is a big deal for the environment. Cotton tampons that get rid of plastic applicators are great for eliminating plastic in the world. 


With the menstrual product market expanding, more and more products are becoming available to women. This is both exciting and scary. That’s why this section is dedicated to some of the most frequently asked questions for women looking to explore eco-friendly products during their menstrual cycle. 

Really, Just How Sanitary Is It? 

If you are using reusable products, your first concern is your hygiene. Understandable. We don’t love dealing with tampons and pads in the first place. However, if you decide to take one for the environment, you will find it is not hard to keep things clean. Following instructions and regularly cleaning your products is the best way to care for your own hygiene. 

What Benefits Does it Offer to Me and The World? 

Let’s first address the personal benefits. We care about what we put into our bodies. That is why when a product like a menstrual cup is going to get inserted into our systems, it will be medical-grade and chemical-free. New alternatives to tampons offer those who suffer from this method a different approach. One that may be more comfortable. 

Where it concerns the world, a research project showed that reusable menstrual products reduced the earth’s waste by 22,907 tons a year. That’s likely due to the fact that a single person is likely to use about 12,000 single-use tampons in their lifetime. 

Trial and Error

Not every method is for everyone. But with a little trial and error, you can majorly impact the earth. And in some cases, you may find yourself using better products for your period than you were before. The market for reusable and eco-friendly menstrual products is expanding with recent trends. That means our options are only going to continue to get better. 

And if we are going to have period underwear anyways, we might as well invest in a pair that will protect us from leaking through our clothes. That or using reusable pads is not a bad place to start. For those who really want to try something different, the menstrual cup has made its way back into the market. 

Nicole McCray is a content creator who spends her time writing about everything, including beauty, health and wellness, pet care, music, movies, and TV. She writes for various blogs and loves using her insight to help any audience.