Weather changes can do some serious harm to your skin. The windy weather and chilling temperatures are bad for it on their own, not to mention the intense heating indoors that we all have to keep us warm. When you’re exposed to harsh temperature changes, your health isn’t the only thing that can suffer. There’s also the matter of the health of your skin, which is why you need the best skin care tips you can find.
How Climate Can Affect Your Skin
Cold winter climates are often accompanied by wind and low humidity. This dries, dehydrates, and inflames the skin. Without proper winter skin care, you’ll be looking at red, rough, tight, peeling, or cracked skin.
Warming up inside is what keeps us healthy and happy, but changes in temperatures are also bad for the skin. However, if you take the appropriate measures and implement a proper skincare routine, you can easily maintain your skin’s health even during windy, harsh winter weather.
Any extreme climate, whether dry and cold or humid and hot, can wreak havoc on a person’s skin. Many students frequently experience some manifestation on their skin, especially when they’re continuously stressed due to many school obligations. But, there’s not only stress that causes dry itchy skin or a rash during school days. You can easily resolve that cause by hiring someone and saying do my assignment for me, but when it comes to skin care, there are also some other things you can do.
Three DIY Tips Products to Protect Your Skin
Here are the best Australian remedies for the damaged skin that’s caused by windy weather. If you want to keep your skin healthy and smooth, these three things will help you greatly.
1. Aloe Vera Moisturizer
Aloe Vera is one of the ingredients that have the best effect on the skin. One of the many uses it has pertains to the health of our skin. It contains enzymes, antioxidants, Vitamins C and A, and it is perfect for anti-inflammatory use. People use it for acne, dry skin, and even for treating burns. That being said, you definitely need aloe vera to moisturize your skin during windy weather periods.
This particular moisturizer is more than just a winter face mask. To make it, you’ll need aloe vera gel, coconut and almond oil, as well as some essential oils of your choice. Just make sure to pick essential oils that are good for the skin, such as lavender oil, rose essential oil, or tea tree organic oil.
2. Coconut Moisturizer
You’re probably thinking – I could buy coconut oil and not bother with these recipes. However, there’s something even better I have to offer you at this point. Many people forget about the amazing, highly hydrating ingredient available to us: shea butter. In winter, one of the biggest issues you’ll have with your skin is dryness, which is why you need a DIY moisturizer based on shea butter and tea tree oil.
This combination creates an excellent product that cleanses and hydrates your skin, as well as treats it when the cold days have harmed it. You can prepare it by simply melting down the coconut shea butter. It might take you some time to do this, but with a little bit of effort, you can make the best moisturizer without spending a fortune on buying one from the stores.
3. Coffee Scrub
Coffee scrubs are the huge trend in the beauty industry nowadays. They are used to remove cellulite, acne, and keep the skin soft and smooth. But, when it comes to a coffee scrub, the biggest benefit you can reap from it is hydration of your skin. This is extremely important for your skin health and thankfully, I have a great recipe to tell you about.
A boost of caffeine is not only great for keeping you awake. By combining some coffee with coconut oil, coconut palm sugar, and cinnamon, you’ll be creating an excellent tool against skin problems that arise in the winter.
The Bottom Line
When in school, it’s easy to get carried away by all those assignments. In fact, this is so frequent among students that most of them forget about the most important thing – their health. When it comes to your health, you need to take care of every aspect of it, including your skin. Making these three recipes will help a lot with maintaining a soft skin, so pick at least one and dedicate a bit of your time to it.

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