Conscious Beauty: Making Ethical Choices in Your 2024 Self Care Regimen

By Nicole McCray

Self-care means something different for everyone. For some, it’s drawing a bath and letting their worries effervesce, for some, it’s a 10-mile hike on a sunny Sunday morning, and for some, it’s following a daily self-care regimen with all their favorite cosmetic products that make them feel amazing. There’s no one-size-fits-all here, it’s your right to find what feels good.

If you love pampering yourself and are always working on improving your self-care routine, one easy yet impactful way to do it is to consider how your routine can align with ethical practices that support sustainability, cruelty-free products, and fair labor practices. 

So, let’s talk about a different, in-depth approach to ethical self-care and some actionable steps you can take to incorporate these principles into your everyday life.

What is ethical self-care?

The main pillar of self-care is that we should give ourselves love and attention so that we can give it to others, and they can give it to us in return. Taking good care of yourself is more than the all-present mottos like “treat yourself” and “you only live once.” Rather, it directly mirrors our relationship with ourselves and the rest of the world. 

Ethical self-care goes one step further. It goes beyond the surface level and involves making conscious decisions that positively impact our environment, society, and animal welfare. This holistic approach to cosmetic and beauty products helps us build habits that contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world. 

Taking good care of yourself while also actively thinking about the world is a lifestyle, and now it’s easier than ever to build and sustain it.

Foundations of Ethical Self-Care Products

If you’re just getting acquainted with the pillars of ethically made products, here are some foundations you should familiarize yourself with.

  • Fair Trade and Labor. There are more and more conscientious brands out there that take special care about upholding equitable trade and fair labor practices. Simply put, these companies work hard to ensure that everyone involved in the production of their products has fair wages and safe working conditions.
  • Sustainability. This has been the buzzword of the past decade and for all the good reasons. Choosing a sustainable product for your self-care routine means that you’re opting for products that are produced and packaged in ways that minimize environmental impact. These brands focus on using renewable resources, reducing carbon footprint, and opting for recyclable or biodegradable packaging.
  • Cruelty-Free Products. Animal testing is still at a shockingly high level, even though there’s been so much talk and action to stop it. Your small contribution to this goal is to consider buying products that clearly state that they honor cruelty-free practices. This commitment ensures that your self-care routines do not contribute to animal suffering.

How do I start practicing ethical self-care?

Let’s start by saying that it’s not always easy to balance product quality, affordability, and sustainability and that finding those that work for you will take time. Here are some pointers to help you start your journey to more evolved self-care practices.

It All Starts with Research

Like so many worthwhile things in life, your path to ethical self-care starts with research. If you’ve already got a favorite brand and products you use, delve deeper into their ethical standards and manufacturing practices. Maybe you don’t have to change your whole regimen because the products you use are already trustworthy, but starting here is important.

While researching, look for products with official certifications like Cruelty-Free, Climate/Carbon Neutral, Fair Trade, Organic, Plastic-Free, USDA, ECOCERT COSMOS, etc. 

Each of these will tell you what the company is passionate about, and ultimately, this knowledge will allow you to make informed decisions. This will also help you support ethical brands that are transparent about their production practices.

Go for Eco-Friendly, Recyclable Products and Packaging

It may take some practice to recognize the telltale signs of product quality, recyclable packaging, and eco-friendly production on the shelves. Most of the time, this means the packaging will be made of glass, recyclable materials, metal, wood, and cardboard. 

Many brands now offer refillable options or packaging made from post-consumer recycled content, which significantly helps to reduce plastic waste. How you dispose of the product packaging is just as important, so be sure to recycle or repurpose them properly. This small step can have a significant impact on reducing waste.

Make Your Own Cosmetics and Cleaning Products

If you have the time and desire to experiment, you can even make your cosmetics, shampoos, and cleaning products with all-natural ingredients, some of which you may already have in your home such as nourishing honey based shampoo

Whether it’s a face mask, hair mask, deodorant, scrub, or an all-purpose cleaner, you can do wonders with some staple home goods like baking soda, sugar, coconut oil, essential oils, etc. Incorporating a facial into your self-care routine enhances not only your skin’s health but also supports local wellness businesses. 

This approach does require more commitment and knowledge on your part, but you’ll know exactly what goes into the products and onto your body. Opting for natural and locally sourced treatments ensures that you’re investing in quality care, and that alone is worth the price of admission.

Make Ethical Self-Care a Priority

Like with most things, making ethical choices for your self-care regimen will take time, patience, and work. The truth is that this approach to picking products allows us to make our small mark in improving the world, and equally important, we become more aware of the ingredients we use to nurture our bodies. You’re sure to have some revelations during your research, and the shift to ethical self-care could make a world of difference for you in the long run.

Nicole McCray is a content creator who spends her time writing about everything, including beauty, health and wellness, pet care, music, movies, and TV. She writes for various blogs and loves using her insight to help any audience.