Due to current events, we have the unique opportunity to use the extra time on our hands to think about our beauty, fitness, and personal development routines. The importance of prioritizing healthy habits has only been amplified since the start of the pandemic and during a time when everyone is staying home, self-care has been put in the spotlight.
We all know your self-care routine contributes to your success and plays a vital part in maintaining wellness and sanity in our fast-paced world. If you feel moments of paranoia, discomfort, or that your progress in life or your career has taken a back seat, consider incorporating some self-care activities to take back some control and add some balance into your life.
If you’re a newbie to self-care (especially self-care in terms of driving success) there are a few things to consider before creating your optimized routine. To help you get started we’ve rounded up a few pillars you can rely on to lay a foundation for building your self-care routine. Let’s explore them below.
1) Prioritize sleep, nutrition, and exercise
We all know that sleep, diet, and exercise are the three keys to proper health and feeling your best self. That being said, it’s nearly impossible nowadays to keep up ideal eating habits, sleep schedules, and fitness routines. Start by focusing on one and build upon it.
Tip: Set a sleeping schedule and journal your progress or incorporate less time-consuming workouts into your routine. Many can be found on YouTube or Instagram and are a great way to break up the day. When you pick one area to prioritize, the others will come more naturally.
2) Be kind to yourself
This pillar, especially right now, is the most important to keep in mind when setting and keeping your self-care routine. If you haven’t felt like your usual self during quarantine, you might fall into the trap of practicing negative self-talk or self-doubt. Instead, take the opportunity to be kind and more patient with yourself.
Tip: Remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can and reward yourself when you do tell yourself something positive.
3) Use your support system
Knowing when to reach out for help is key to self-care. If you’re feeling particularly disconnected from your closest friends (as many of us are currently), schedule a weekly recurring date in your calendar to touch base with those who support you the most.
Tip: If cabin fever is setting in with loved ones, find ways to communicate what you need from them to stay calm and happy. Another idea is creating routines that incorporate the other person as well as time apart. Share this schedule with them to ensure you have an open line of communication and respect.
Prioritizing self-care to boost your own success is easy to understand however actually making the time and seeing our routine through can become difficult. For some inspiration and a cue from some of our favorite famous females, the folks at Tommy John rounded up self-care tips from some of our favorite self-care savvy stars and businesswomen who have publicly shared the power of nurturing their minds and bodies daily. Luckily you won’t need Beyonce’s budget or Michelle Obama’s network to implement these hacks and bring some care into your quarantine. Keep reading below for their visual on how to self-care like the stars.